
Kommerzialrat Heinrich Auer

Wed Nov 04 13:58:24 UTC 2020
Kommerzialrat Heinrich Auer was born in 1909 in Innsbruck, has two siblings. He spents his childhood first in Axams. 1916 begins the great famine. The oldest boy has to do with bread cards, waiting outside the shops, until he gets hard buckwheat bread, Turkish bread. 1918, the famine is too great, the mother brings the nine-year-olds in the Tyrol on the farm of her sister, where he is to provide an early age already heavy physical work. In 1925 he comes back to Innsbruck, joinery works in his father's business. 1942 he is to come into the army. After a starvation diet, he can remain.He meets resistance fighters, marries, sets up a carpentry firm, the company is building highly successful.